Cruising on Columbia River

Sailing has an amazing ability to recharge us and melt away all the day's worries. The magic begins when the engine is turned off and the boat continues to smoothly coast under wind power. 

Bring your friends and family for a group of six and let us all go out for sail; share some laughs, learn the "ropes" and create some lasting memories.

We will cater the cruise to your preferences. In the past we have sailed to Government Island and tied up to one of the docks for a relaxing meal. Another favourite is to sail and drop anchor at Broughton Beach. Swimming is safe here and a local favourite for boaters. You decide what you are in the mood for. 


Take It All In

The crew of Mi Sol will make sure you have a perfectly catered experience. We will bring home made rustic bread with a selection of cheeses. Some complimentary drinks will be served as well. Feel free to bring your own food. Our crew loves treats and they will go to great lengths to get them including somersaulting off the bow.

Contact us for availability and more information.